Investment Portfolio Analysis & Appraisal
Many people will have a number of investments within a portfolio, some of which they are knowledgeable about and some perhaps less so. We come across many existing portfolios, which contain products that investors do not fully understand or, may even have a misunderstanding of what they actually are.
We can provide investors with a full review of their current investment portfolio and explain the dynamics of each of their individual investments.
Performance Benchmarking
Whether it’s managed funds, property or individual stocks, we have access to up to date market performance data on all major asset classes. We can provide a comparative of the investors existing portfolio to relevant indices. By assessing how a current investment product is performing against a benchmark, an investor has a better view of performance of the investment.
Where a market fund has returned gross returns of say 25% in the last two years, it may seem to be a good return. However, if other similar funds returned 40% in the same period, it would certainly place a question mark over the fund manager’s performance.
Where we have helped investors create an investment portfolio, we will carry out periodic reviews of that portfolio, which will include benchmarking analysis.
Risk Profiling
An important part of the portfolio review, is establishing the investor’s appetite for risk and to compare that level of appetite for risk, with the level of risk in the investor’s portfolio. We can provide a risk profile of an investor’s portfolio by measuring the level of; asset diversification, currency exposure, liquidity, sector exposure and market exposure.
We can advise on ways of reducing, or even increasing risk, to enable the portfolio to hold the level of risk which the investor wishes to hold.